12 oz cranberries (fresh or frozen, thaw first if frozen)
1 orange - peeled & sectioned
2 tsp orange peel zest
16 oz strawberries (fresh or frozen, thaw first if frozen)
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice
3-4 cups sugar
1- 1.75 oz pkg powdered fruit pectin
1/2 c water
1- Wash jars, lids & rings. Fill jars 2/3's full of water & place in water-bath canner. Fill with water. Put canner on stove over medium-high heat to sterilize jars while you make the jam.
2- Place lids in a small saucepan covered with water. Boil over medium-high heat while you make the jam. Set rings to the side, they don't need sterilization.
3- Place cranberries and sectioned orange into blender. You just want them coarsely chopped. My blender has a food chop option.
4- Add in the strawberries, orange zest and spices. Stir a bit in the blender to make sure they get mixed a little. Blend until everything is chopped fine. You don't want it pureed.
5- Stir fruit mixture and water together in a 5 qt stock pot.
6- Stir in fruit pectin and add your 1/2 teaspoon of butter (this reduces foaming).
7- Bring the mixture to a rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly.
8- Add sugar to the mixture. Return to full rolling boil. Boil exactly 1 minute.
9- Remove from heat. Using a metal spoon, skim off any foam.
10- Immediately ladle hot jam into prepared jars. Leaving 1/4" headspace. n
11- Wipe rims & threads. Center lid. Place ring on just finger tight. Place jars back in canner.
12- When all the jars are filled, fill canner with water until jars are covered with 2".
13- Cover canner. Bring to a boil. Process for 10 minutes.
14- Turn off heat. Uncover canner. Allow jars to sit for 5 minutes.